No. | List of Services | Fees in BND |
01 | Registration of Business Names | $30.00 |
02 | Change Business Name Details:
| $30.00 |
03 | Cessation of Business Name | - |
What is a sole proprietorship?
Sole proprietorship is the simplest entity form of business. It is a business firm owned by one (1) person or one (1) company. For this business entity there are no partners. A sole proprietor is personally liable to debt and losses and obligations of their business.
Who Is eligible to register?
What are the required documents?
What is a Partnership?
Partnership is a business firm formed by a minimum of two (2) partners and a maximum of twenty (20) partners. Partnership is not a separate legal entity from the owners.
Who are eligible to register?
What are the required documents?
A business name is important because it provides a unique identity for your business and to differentiate it from your competitors. In order to have the business names exclusively yours, you can either register it under the Business Names Act (Chapter 92) as a Sole Proprietorship/ Partnership, or under the Companies Act (Chapter 39) as a Private Limited Company (Sdn Bhd).
How to choose a name for your business?
When choosing a business name, keep the following tips in mind
Do’s :
The name also SHOULD NOT contain any of the followings:
Please note that the name application may be referred to the Relevant Licensing Authorities for their approval depending on the business nature applied. For more information, please refer to the table below:
How do you check for the availability of a name?
Before applying for a business name, check existing names to determine if your
proposed business name is available. By doing so, you have a higher chance of
getting the name approved and reduce the risk of complaints against your
business entity’s name.
To check the availability of your proposed business name, conduct a thorough
business name search with these steps:
1. On the OCP Homepage ( , type the proposed business name and click Search.
2. A Search Result will then show whether it is available or not
The following are examples of when you want to do a thorough and comprehensive name search:
Types of example | Proposed Names | Search tips |
Identical or Similar Names | GLC Management Services |
Type to search “GLC” “G.L.C” "G.& L.C” “G.L & C” “G & L and C” and “G and “L.C”, etc. |
H.B Sdn Bhd |
Type to search “H.B” “H&B” “H – B” “H and B” “H n B”, etc. | |
Similar Pronunciations | Aishah Advertising Services |
Type to search “Ayesha” “Aysha” “Aisha” “Aisyah”, etc. |
D’Comel Collections |
Type to search “Comel” “The Comel” “D-Comel” “D.Comel”, etc. | |
Different Sequences | Ali Baba Express |
Type to search “Ali – Baba” “Express Ali & Baba” “Baba – Ali” “Ali Express” “Baba Express”, etc. |
Symbols – Not Allowed | # hashtag Café |
Type to search “Hash Tag” “Hash” “Tag” “Hash-Tag” “Hash.Tag”, etc. |
Names that can be misleading – Not allowed | Lego playhouse | Names that are already a trademark. |
Applications such as Company Incorporation/Business
Registration/Change of Company Particulars may be referred to
Relevant Licensing Authorities for their approval, depending on
the business nature applied.
The information in the table below serves to assist business
owners in planning their timetable for applications in ROCBN.
Referral Authorities | Applicable Business Activities |
Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism |
Businesses involving with the following activities:
Brunei Darussalam Central Bank |
Businesses involving with the following activities:
Ministry of Education (Department of Private Education) |
Businesses involving with the following activities:
Ministry of Health |
Businesses involving with the following activities:
The Board of Valuers and Estate Agents (BoVEA), Ministry of Development |
Businesses involving with the Real Estate
Law Society of Brunei Darussalam |
Businesses involving with the
Legal Services BDSIC Codes
Public Accountants Oversight Committee (PAOC), Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance and Economy |
Businesses involving with the
Accounting/Audit Services BDSIC Codes
Department of Community Development (JAPEM), Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports |
Businesses involving Daycare
Board of Architects, Professional Engineers and Quantity Surveyors (BAPEQS), Ministry of Development |
Businesses involving Architect / Engineer / Quantity
Registry of Companies and Business Names Divisions, Ministry of Finance and Economy To submit the relevant qualifications of the proposed owner as per applied |
Businesses involving in any Consultancy services or Related
Step 01 | Create your OCP account by logging on to |
Step 02 | Once successfully logged in, on the top right of your dashboard, click on +New Entity |
Step 03 | Select Register a Business Name |
Step 04 | Fill in the online form |
Step 05 | For proposed name, click Validate Name |
Step 06 | Upload the required supporting documents and click Submit |
Step 07 | The cost to register a business is $30 which can be paid online or over the counter by providing your Application ID |
Step 08 | Once your application has been approved, an electronic Certificate of Registration will be emailed to you |
Click here (link) for the step by step guide on how to register a Business Name
Bruneian Citizens or Bruneian Permanent Residents are eligible to register a sole-proprietorship or a partnership.
Must be at least 18 of age and they must not be a declared bankrupt.
No. The business name applied will be rejected. You may have the option to write to the owner of the existing business for consent to use the same name or you may submit a new application with a different name.
No, only a single name per application.
You cannot use a name that is trademarked, unless you provide an authorisation letter from the said company holding a trademark.
One (1) working day.
‘Letter of Approval’ requirement means you are required
to upload an approval letter from relevant licensing
authorities before registering your business.
For example:
Your Certificate of Registration will be emailed to you upon approval of your application. Alternatively, you will be able to go to your dashboard and select the business. In the view screen, click on ‘Request Certificate’. From here, you will be print a copy of the certificate.
Yes, there is a fee of BND$30.00 for all updates.
No. | List of Services | Fees in BND |
01 | Registration of Business Names | $30.00 |
02 | Change Business Name Details:
| $30.00 |
03 | Cessation of Business Name | - |
No, it is mandatory to have a consent letter to cease a business name.
You should write in to ROCBN as soon as possible for
ROCBN’s consideration. Please include the reasons for
the mistake.
Alternatively, you can choose to register a new business
using the same name but with a different registration
number; the fee payable is $30.
Alternatively, you can submit an appeal to the Registrar
of Business Names through ROCBN for the reinstatement of
the business registration. Send your appeal in writing
and set out the grounds for the appeal. The letter is to
be addressed to the Registrar of Business Names, ROCBN.
All partners must endorse the termination before the business name can be ceased.
Are you looking for help?
Other Links
Ministry of Finance and Economy website
One Common Billing system
Treasury Accounting and Financial Information System (TAFIS)
Brunei E-Customs
Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDSNW)
Trading Across Borders
Brunei Darussalam National Trade Depository
Brunei Darussalam Accounting Standard Council (BDASC)
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